Monday, June 11, 2012

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That's exactly - laughed the bridegroom. - Will wait on them.- Where is the passion for the dead?- You do not understand, it's all very interesting and mysterious, and whether they are dead, these people had once lived? With one friend of mine, you did not know there was a funny story. They buried his outstanding little nude russian girls, in the old cemetery, where one hundred twenty years, or even from the time of the Crimean War, no one is buried, you know, so thick with mall sweeping angels, they are Russian girls are probably only in the province remained intact, and when digging a grave, stumbled upon an oak coffin, perfectly preserved, the Crimean War. Somehow accidentally turned aside the cover, - said Andrey bookish, carefully but quickly picking up words. - And my companion found and pulled from the tomb officer sword in excellent condition. Of course, he did not take it ...

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