Sometimes these sentiments find expression in the belief in
some kind of soteriological mission of Russian women, women in the idea of
messianism. A woman becomes a symbol of national salvation "save Russia
Woman," "Mother Russia will save."
This motif is soteriological mission, a woman has acquired
special significance in the period of the triumph of totalitarian regimes in
Europe. On the women's rescue mission began in Russia in its fight against
totalitarianism as a product of masculinity absolutised wrote, for example,
Ilyin and Andreev. Evidence of the popularity of the idea - a string of work
Schubart: communism against feminine nature of the Russian nature, a woman -
the mortal enemy of Bolshevism, and she will win, in which the international mission
of the Russian woman. "We have serious grounds for hope that the Russian
people will save it is a Russian woman."
Among the qualities that are most often is attributed to a
Russian woman, first of all we should mention it because: physical ("stop
a running horse"), psychological and moral. One German author claims that
women call the "weaker sex" in Russia unfair, as nowhere else
"." Superwoman "- this term describes the modern Russian woman
K. Matthews.
This power allows a woman to act as a guardian angel men, to
show concern about it. Such a relationship is largely due to the fact that it
essentially corresponds to more of a "love-nately," rather than
"love-desire": "love" in Russian means "sorry".
The beauty of Russian women - is not so much sex appeal as "the beauty of
compassion." In its relation to man "prevails maternal feeling to
warm unfortunate creature, good for nothing. Russian woman gives a man not so
much on fiery sex attraction, how much of humanity, compassion for the soul
In this context, refers to its purity, chastity, modesty,
chastity, the notorious "we have no sex" reflects the deep layers of
the national mythology.
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